Water Resources Management

RDV Core Training Program FY98 Activity 2.2

Introduction / Content / Materials / Video Lecture / Instructors & Participants /
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Introduction of the WRM Course

Course Objectives

The target audience of this course is Task Managers who are implementing the Bank's Water Resources Management Policy. This course is designed to develop participants in the following aspects:

1. To raise awareness of the pressure and challenges of the water resources of the world by looking at the global picture.

2. To establish new thinking through studying relevant technical and economic concept, in order to understand the systemic and economic nature of the water resources management.

3. To understand and be able to apply the policies framework of the UN and the Bank, which is embodied in the Dublin Statement (1992).

4. To exchange and share thoughts and experiences through discussing one or two water resources management projects.

5. To expose to a set of selected reference materials and several relevant web sites, including a water resources information system.

6. To enhance participants’ computer/Internet literacy and competency by taking this Internet-based-training course.

Course Outlines

Part One: Water Resources of the World: Pressures, Challenges and Management Approach

I. Pressures

II. Challenges

III. Management Approach

Part Two: New Thinking on Water Resources

I. The Hydrological Cycle

II. Self-organizing System

III. Water as an Economic Good

IV. Water Resources Information Systems

V. Relationships Between Hydrological Cycle, River Basin, Water Demands and Investment

Part Three: Policy Framework of the Water Resources Management

I. Four Guiding Principles of the Dublin Statement (1992)

II. Integrated Water Resources Development and Management

III. Elements of a Water Strategy and Strategy Development

IV. Policy Options and Recommendations

Part Four: Project Implementation

I. Introduction

II Project Implementation Methodology

Introduction / Content / Materials / Video Lecture / Instructors & Participants /
Discussion Forum / Administration / Technology / Glossary / Interesting Links /

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Last updated 30th May '98