Water Resources Management

RDV Core Training Program FY98 Activity 2.2

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Glossary of the WRM Course

Internet Glossary

Anonymous FTP A way to transfer files to your computer by logging in to an FTP server on the Internet as a public "guest."

Archive A system for locating files on the Internet that are available by anonymous FTP.


bits per second (bps) The speed at which databits are transmitted over a communications medium.

Chat To talk to other Internet users live (or real time) from any part of the world. Chat sessions are one method of creating interactive opportunities in Internet-Based Training.

client/server A model of computing in which a desktop client application has the necessary intelligence to access servers or hosts on the network to request information or perform queries about available resources.

Download To copy a file from a computer at another location to your computer. The "file" can be a document, such as a job aid or manual, or it can be a program, such as a self-paced multimedia training program. The ability to download creates opportunities to maintain training materials in one location and make them available for distribution worldwide.


GIF Graphic Interchange Format; a format that allows different computers to exchange images. The World Wide Web contains many GIF images.

Gopher An Internet service that presents information as a rather boring hyperlink directory or list of hyperlink files. Most gophers sites are now being developed into more interactive, media-rich WWW sites.

HTML HyperText Markup Language; used for coding hypermedia information on the World Wide Web.

hypermedia Hypertext plus multimedia.

hypertext Documents that contain links to other documents that may reside elsewhere; selecting a link automatically displays the second document.

Internet A communication network of computers from every corner of the earth connected together via Ma Bell. For training and education professionals, the ability to reach out and teach someone is a zillion-fold greater.

Listserv A computer with software that manages a mailing list. When an email is sent to the computer's Listserv address, a copy is automatically forwarded to every person subscribed to the mailing list.

multimedia An application or program that seamlessly blends different forms of media (video, text, animations, etc.) with interactivity (pull-down menus, buttons, etc.). The World Wide Web is bringing multimedia to the forefront. upload.

Newsgroup Topical divisions of Usenet. A newsgroup generally has a single topic, but within that topic anyone can ask or answer questions.

plug-in A tiny application that "plugs into" a web browser and provides functionality not built into the browser. Plug-ins run in the browser's window rather than in a separate application window, as is the case with helper applications.

Uniform Resource Locator (URL) A standard way to name resources on the Internet. For example, the URL for the World Bank is http://www.worldbank.org

Upload Transferring a file from a PC to a mainframe, or from a user computer to the server.

Usenet A widely used Internet service that organizes people's comments by topic. These topics, called newsgroups, have their own structure, with people commenting on previous comments, and starting new threads of discussion.


Virtual Treasure A gem of a location in cyberspace that you'll find particularly delightful and relevant to your personal and/or professional interests. The location is always identified by a Uniform Resource Locator (URL).

World Wide Web An Internet service that enables users to retrieve hypertext, graphics, audio and now even video from various sites around the world. The Web has become one of the most popular Internet services in the past few years. In fact, many Internet information providers are now publishing only on the web.

To get more, please visit the University of Pennsylvania where the first large-scale general-purpose electronic computer ENIAC was built in 1946.

Water Resources Management Glossary
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Last updated 30th May '98