Project Concept Document


Task Team Leader/Task Manager:

Country Manager/Director:

Sector Manager/Director:

Project ID:


Program Objective Category:

Lending Instrument:

Program of Targeted Intervention:

[ ]


[ ]


Project Financing Data

[ ]


[ ]


[ ]


[ ]

Other [Specify]

For Loans/Credits/Others:


Amount (US$m/SDRm):

Financing plan (US$m): [ ] To be defined



















Responsible agency(ies):

Project implementation period:

For Guarantees:

[ ]

Partial credit


[ ] Partial risk



Proposed coverage:

Project sponsor:

Nature of underlying financing:

Terms of financing:



Principal amount (US$m)


Final maturity


Amortization profile


Financing available without guarantee:

[ ]


[ ]


If yes, estimated cost or maturity:

Estimated financing cost or maturity with guarantee:

A: Project Development Objective

1. Project development objective and key performance indicators (see Annex 1):

B: Strategic Context

1. Sector-related Country Assistance Strategy (CAS) goal supported by the project (see Annex 1):

CAS document number: Date of latest CAS discussion:

[Note: Where key indicators are established for monitoring progress toward the Bank country assistance objectives, as envisaged in the new style CASs, this section will specify the expected project contribution to these indicators.]

2. Main sector issues and Government strategy:

[Note: Summarize assessments of key policy, institutional and other issues, and the Government’s strategy to address them, referencing the economic and sector work of the Bank and other development agencies.]

3. Sector issues to be addressed by the project and strategic choices:

[Note: Of the issues identified in paragraph 6, specify those to be addressed by the project, indicating the strategic choices, e.g., private vs. public options, as assessed in the economic and sector work of the Bank and other development agencies.]

C: Project Description Summary

1. Project components (see Annex 1):



Indicative Costs (US$M)

% of Total



% of Bank-financing





2. Key policy and institutional reforms to be sought:

3. Benefits and target population:

4. Institutional and implementation arrangements:

D: Project Rationale

1. Project alternatives considered and reasons for rejection:

[Note: Alternative project scope and design options and trade-offs.]

2. Major related projects financed by the Bank and/or other development agencies (completed, ongoing and planned):

Sector issue


Latest Supervision (Form 590) Ratings



(Bank-financed projects only)



Implementation Progress (IP)

Development Objective (DO)






Other development agencies










IP/DO Ratings: HS (Highly Satisfactory), S (Satisfactory), U (Unsatisfactory), HU (Highly Unsatisfactory)

3. Lessons learned and reflected in proposed project design:

[Note: Lessons learned from completed and ongoing projects financed by the Bank and other development agencies.]

4. Indications of borrower commitment and ownership:

[Note: Includes measures already taken by the borrower prior to Board presentation, as well as planned actions.]

5. Value added of Bank support in this project:

E: Issues Requiring Special Attention

1. Economic

[ ] Summarize issues below (e.g., fiscal impact, pricing distortions)

[ ] To be defined (indicate how issues will be identified) [ ] None

Economic evaluation methodology:

[ ] Cost benefit [ ] Cost effectiveness [ ] Other [specify]

2. Financial

[ ]Summarize issues below(e.g., cost recovery, tariff policies, financial controls and accountability)

[ ] To be defined (indicate how issues will be identified) [ ] None

3. Technical

[ ] Summarize issues below (e.g., appropriate technology, costing)

[ ] To be defined (indicate how issues will be identified) [ ] None

4. Institutional

[ ] Summarize issues below (e.g., project management, M&E capacity, administrative regulations)

[ ] To be defined (indicate how issues will be identified) [ ] None

5. Social

[ ] Summarize issues below (e.g., significant social risks, ability to target low income and other vulnerable groups)

[ ] To be defined (indicate how issues will be identified) [ ] None

6. Environmental

a. Environmental issues:

[ ] Summarize issues below (distinguish between major issues and less important ones)

[ ] To be defined (indicate how issues will be identified) [ ] None



b. Environmental category: [ ] A [ ] B [ ] C

c. Justification/Rationale for category rating:

d. Status of Category A assessment: EA start-up date:

Date of first EA draft:

Current status:

e. Proposed actions:

f. Status of any other environmental studies:

g. Local groups and NGOs consulted: (List names):

h. Resettlement

[ ] Summarize issues below (e.g., resettlement planning, compensation)

[ ] To be defined (indicate how issues will be identified) [ ] None

i. Borrower permission to release EA: [ ] Yes [ ] No [ ] N/A

j. Other remarks:

7. Participatory Approach:

a. Primary beneficiaries and other affected groups:

[ ] Name and describe groups, how involved, and what they have influenced.

[ ] Not applicable (describe why participatory approach not applicable with these groups)

b. Other key stakeholders:

[ ] Name and describe groups, how involved, and what they have influenced.

[ ] Not applicable (describe why participatory approach not applicable with these groups)

8. Checklist of Bank Policies

a. This project involves (check applicable items):

[ ]

Indigenous peoples

(OD 4.20)

[ ]

Riparian water rights






(OP 7.50)

(BP 7.50)

(GP 7.50)

[ ]

Cultural property

(OPN 11.03)

[ ]

Financial management

(OP 10.02)

(BP 10.02)

[ ]

Environmental impacts

[ ]

Financing of recurrent costs

(OMS 1.21)


(OP 4.01)

(BP 4.01)

(GP 4.01)




[ ]

Natural habitats

[ ]

Local cost sharing


(OP 4.01)

(BP 4.01)

(GP 4.01)


(OP 6.30)

(BP 6.30)

(GP 6.30)

[ ]

Gender issues

(OP 4.20)

[ ]

Cost-sharing above country three-year average






(GP 6.30)

(OP 6.30)

(BP 6.30)

[ ]

Involuntary resettlement

(OD 4.30)

[ ]

Retroactive financing above normal limit






(OP 12.10)

(GP 12.10)


[ ]

NGO involvement

(GP 14.70)

[ ]

Disputed territory






(OP 7.60)

(BP 7.60)

(GP 7.60)


[ ]

Other (provide necessary details)





b. Describe issue(s) involved, not already discussed above:

F: Sustainability and Risks

1. Sustainability:

[Note: Flag the factors critical for the sustainability of project benefits.]

2. Critical Risks (reflecting assumptions in the fourth column of Annex 1):


Risk Rating

Risk Minimization Measure

Annex 1, cell "from Outputs to Objective"




Annex 1, cell "from Components to Outputs"




Overall Risk Rating



Risk Rating - H (High Risk), S (Substantial Risk), M (Modest Risk), N (Negligible or Low Risk)

3. Possible Controversial Aspects (Project Alert System):


Type of Risk

Risk Rating

Risk Minimization Measure


Type of Risk – S (Social), E (Ecological), P (Pollution), G (Governance), M (Management capacity), O (Other)

Risk Rating - H (High Risk), S (Substantial Risk), M (Modest Risk), N (Negligible or Low Risk)

G: Project Preparation and Processing

1. Has a project preparation plan been agreed with the borrower (see Annex 2 to this form):

[ ] Yes, date submitted: [ ] No, date expected:

2. Advice/consultation outside country department:

[ ] Within the Bank: [ ] Other development agencies:

3. Composition of Task Team (see Annex 2)

4. Quality Assurance Arrangements (Annex 2)

5. Management Decisions:





Total Preparation Budget: Bank Budget: Trust Fund:

Cost to Date:

GO [ ] NO GO [ ] Further Review




Task Team Leader/Task Manager:


Sector Manager/Director:


Country Manager/Director:

Annex 1

Project Design Summary



Narrative Summary

Key Performance Indicators

Monitoring and Evaluation

Critical Assumptions

Sector-related CAS Goal:


(Goal to Bank Mission)

Project Development Objective:


(Objective to Goal)



(Outputs to Objective)

Project Components/Sub-components:

Inputs: (budget for each component)


(Components to Outputs)

Annex 2

Page 1 of 2

Project Preparation Plan



A project preparation plan is normally discussed and agreed in principle with the borrower during the identification mission. A one-two page summary of the plan is attached to the PCD as Annex 2 (see sample developed by the LAC Region in page 2 of this annex). The plan should cover the following:


Role, responsibility and staffing of the borrower for project preparation, including designation of a project preparation team (Bank and Borrower).

Bank assistance to be provided during project preparation.*

Arrangements for local/foreign consultant inputs.*

Outline of Project Implementation Plan (see Attachment) to be prepared by the borrower.

Timetable for project preparation (including deadline for submission of the PIP).

Milestones for progress review and any discussions by the Bank.

Key outputs of project preparation, e.g. technical/economic feasibility studies; environmental assessments; institutional, beneficiary, and social analyses; tariff studies; financial models.

Depth of analysis required for each specialist area, e.g., cost benefit analysis, skills/gap analysis.

Issues to be addressed in parallel with project preparation (parallel track or likely loan conditions).

Modalities of project preparation and analytical tools, e.g., beneficiary participation in project design, beneficiary surveys, use of logical framework

The proposed public consultation/participation process




Items indicated above that are covered elsewhere in the main text of the PCD can be omitted from the summary but should form part of the project preparation plan agreed with the borrower.



*Costs are reflected in the project preparation budget (see Annex 3).


Annex 2

Page 2 of 2

Project Preparation Plan







A. Core Project Preparation Team





















B. Project Preparation Activities







Key Outputs

Prepared by


Cost/Source of Financing

Appraisal Requirement

Target Date







C. Specialist Tasks






Specialist Area

Level of analysis/ Tools

Skills Needed

Key Output Document

Bank Review Target Date



Annex 3

Project Processing Timetable & Budget


Processing step1

Key Date



Plan vs Actual








Cons Fees

Source of Funds

1. Concept Review Meeting




2. RVP/ROC/OC Sign off




3. PID to PIC date2




4. Depart Preappraisal




5. Decision Meeting




6. Authorize Appraisal/Negotiation




7. Update PID to PIC2




8. EA received date




9. Depart Appraisal




10. Invitation to Negotiate




11. Start Negotiations




12. Board Presentation




13. Completion Note













Source of funds - Bank administrative budget, trust funds, project preparation facility, other

PCD: Project Concept Document

PAD: Project Appraisal Document

PIC: Public Information Center

PID: Project Information Document

RVP: Regional Vice-President

EA: Environmental Assessment



1 Should be adapted to specific Regional processes.

2 Electronically transferred